Saturday, July 08, 2006

Essay Publication Success

An essay of mine that recounts my (brief) experiences working with the Service Employees International Union has been published in Monthly Review Zine. Let the ad hominem attacks begin.

[, ]


At July 23, 2006 9:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kevin, You HAVE TO EMAIL ME! I worked at SEIU right before you did. My name is Amy. I left right after the Loraine, Ohio Town Hall Meeting at the end of August. I considered coming back just to organize the outfit, but that would have meant leaving my family at a crucial time to pursue employment that would get me nowhere and nothing; plus, I suspected that no other union would be willing to come in and organize it.

Anyway, for 2 weeks I "house-called" my co-workers, assessing their motivation to unionize and agitating them. "But our job is so important. We have to sacrifice for it!" I'd respond with, "Funny, when we talk to the nurses they say that management tells them the same thing, but that doesn't stop us from motivating them to get their overtime paid, and so forth."

Anyway, Candace was my roommate and she told me to read your article. I'd love to e-gossip with you. My email address is Drop me a line!

At August 12, 2006 6:44 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Took a job this summer canvassing for Working America, the AFL's new "community affiliate" program. My experiences were similar in many ways. Will tell more later... perhaps on the new listserv?

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